Indian Camp Daylilies is a located in South Georgia on 2 acres and is surrounded by a 150 acre family farm in Berrien County.
We are a licensed and inspected garden and have been approved to ship to any state in the continental United States. Our plant are subjected to a regular spraying program to prevent rust and unwanted pests. All plants are sold as at least a double fan division (or more) . Shipping will be to the south first during spring and will follow with shipping to our northern most friends later in the spring with respect to their shipping requests, and reversed in the fall.
We currently grow over 900 named cultivars and have over 2000 seedlings as part of our hybridizing program which has been in place for approximately 8 years. In the fall of 2022, we introduced our first two daylilies and have several we are looking to introduce in the next year.
Our garden is open to the public during the spring and summer. Peak bloom season is in May and our regular scheduled hours are Tuesday-Saturday, 9am to 2pm. Garden will close on June 30 each year. To schedule a tour of the garden, contact us by phone or email. We also ship daylilies from April-June and September-December, and special requests may be made.
Our online catalog can be viewed and orders placed using the order form tab year-round. This tab is also used when ordering Gift Certificates.
David and Regina look forward to seeing you in the garden and working with you online. Please note we attend events mostly on weekends and we will put Closed notices here for those who are local.